A World Record Attempt!

Eastern Tech Science National Honor Society contributes to world’s largest periodic table!

2019 is the International Year of the Periodic Table. This year the folks (Michelle DeWitt) at Grand Valley State College are organizing an event to create the world’s largest periodic table. They reached out to groups all across the country to contribute the blocks that represent all 118 elements.

The Eastern Tech Chapter of the Science National Honor Society accepted the challenge, and spent the last few days of school working on our element, Technetium (atomic number 43). What better element to represent Eastern Tech!! We are going with a school color theme of black, orange, and white. They added the Maverick logo in the upper right corner. Technetium is the only known natural element with no known isotopes, and has an atomic mass of 98.

Our element ships out to western Michigan next week to join the 117 others that will be on display in October. The Guinness Book of World Records has been contacted, and we are hopeful that a new world record can be achieved! What a great addition to the history of Eastern Tech as we prepare to celebrate our 50th anniversary! Go Mavericks!!