Critical Point

Critical Point by S.L. Huang

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Not my favorite of the three Cas Russel books. I loved the first one – Zero Sum, I thought it was original and I enjoyed the character very much. The second in the series, Null Set, was my least favorite and I struggled to finish the book. I had high hopes for the third in the series, and while it was better than Null Set, it still was a bit of a struggle to finish. Too much depended on remembering everything that had happened in the first two books. Not enough refresher for the reader.

I didn’t really get the motivation of the antagonist and how it related to the main characters. They seemed to be two different issues, and the tie together was sort of weakly explained.

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Gwendy’s Final Task

Gwendy's Final Task (The Button Box, #3)Gwendy’s Final Task by Stephen King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I saw this book on the shelf at my local library, and was curious as I had not heard of that title before. I went back and read the first two books in the series, Gwendy’s Button Box, and Gwendy’s Magic Feather. Both were excellent, the first reading like a novella, but introducing the character, Gwendy, and giving all the back-story detail that would be important in books two and three.

This series did not disappoint, classic Stephen King with Richard Chizmar thrown in to spice it up. I read Chizmar’s book last summer, Chasing the Boogeyman, which takes place not far from where I grew up and currently live. I devoured that book in days.

This one was no different. An excellent story, just the right amount of thrills and chills. I highly recommend it to any Stephen King or Richard Chizmar fan.

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Project Hail Mary – Andy Weir

Project Hail MaryProject Hail Mary by Andy Weir
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a great book. A fast read, heavy on a variety of sciences, and never a dull moment! A single guy in space, very reminiscent of The Martian. There was quite a bit of “let’s science the shit out of this” moments, and the description of the experimental designs was well executed.

I had the chance to meet Andy Weir at the ISTE Conference in Chicago a few years ago. He was wonderful, pleasant to talk to, and very gracious.

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A Slice of Orange & Black

Working on a podcast for my school. It is called A Slice of Orange & Black. This has been in my head for about a year. I am using Anchor as the platform for recording. The first few episodes have been easy, and Anchor quickly added my project to 7 podcast platforms! With a little more information, I was able to include Apple podcasts.