Another year gone by…hello Summer Break?

Casa de Frustrated Chair

It is funny, I started this post last summer! Summer 2019!! I never got around to finishing it, although summer break is when I usually want to work on my writing. At the very least I spend a lot of time reading. (so far since June, I have only completed 3 books) Now it is Summer 2020, and my thinking on summer is completely different thanks to the coronavirus pandemic.

At least my house still looks exactly the same. Same azalea’s blooming, same state flag flying in the breeze. We love our flag here in Maryland.

Most of the talk between my colleagues and on the news is about the re-opening of schools. When will it happen, should it happen, how will it happen? Lot’s of folks weighing in on the different ideas that are floating around there. The President has made his opinion very clear. The US Department of Education Secretary has made her opinion very clear. The CDC has waffled on the idea, bowing to the opinion of the President. My state has a document, and my district has the beginnings of a plan. But so far, that is all we have. Just ideas.

In my head I have been thinking about how things will have to look differently when/if we return to school. All doors propped open? Desks and lab benches wiped between classes? Gloves for students? Masks for everyone. What will labs look like? Can we do labs? What about a student that is only online? Will teachers be asked to do more cleaning? What happens if someone tests positive in the school?

Too much swirling around up there this summer.

A World Record Attempt!

Eastern Tech Science National Honor Society contributes to world’s largest periodic table!

2019 is the International Year of the Periodic Table. This year the folks (Michelle DeWitt) at Grand Valley State College are organizing an event to create the world’s largest periodic table. They reached out to groups all across the country to contribute the blocks that represent all 118 elements.

The Eastern Tech Chapter of the Science National Honor Society accepted the challenge, and spent the last few days of school working on our element, Technetium (atomic number 43). What better element to represent Eastern Tech!! We are going with a school color theme of black, orange, and white. They added the Maverick logo in the upper right corner. Technetium is the only known natural element with no known isotopes, and has an atomic mass of 98.

Our element ships out to western Michigan next week to join the 117 others that will be on display in October. The Guinness Book of World Records has been contacted, and we are hopeful that a new world record can be achieved! What a great addition to the history of Eastern Tech as we prepare to celebrate our 50th anniversary! Go Mavericks!!